Ethical Challenges And Modifications In Research Methodology Related To Pediatrics


  • Jyoti Mishra P.G. Scholar, P.G. Department of Kaumarabhritya, State Ayurvedic Collage & Hospital Lucknow, U.P. India Author
  • Mithilesh Verma Head Of Department , P.G. Department of Kaumarabhritya, State Ayurvedic Collage & Hospital Lucknow, U.P. India Author



ICMR, vulnerability, informed consent, exploitation, ethical committee etc


Pediatric subjects are included in vulnerable population and according to ICMR ( Indian Council for  Medical Research) they also have equal right to be included in research so that benefits occurring from  the research can apply to them as well. There are some ethical issues which arise during research  conducting on such population like availability and access, vulnerability to harm or damage, informed  consent, confidentiality, exploitation, compensation etc. The researcher must take care of these all ethical  issues while involving such subjects in the researches. ICMR has laid down some guidelines for research  on such type of subjects like these population should be included in the research only when the research  is directly answering the health needs or requirement of the group. Further benefits of the research should  out weight the risk to the population. The Ethical Committee should determine the vulnerability and ensure  that additional safeguard and continuous monitoring mechanisms are established. It is also mandatory for  the researcher to be well trained and competent in his work to maintain safety. 


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National Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical and Health Research involving Human Participants: ICMR 2017.

Ethical Consideration in Pediatric Research. Anthony T, Podany, Pharm. D.2017. 3. Ethical Issues in Pediatric Intensive Care in Developing Countries: Combining Western Technology and Eastern Wisdom. Ashok P Sarnaik. Kshama Daphtary and Ajit A Sarnaik.

Ethical Consideration in Research with Children and Young People.

Textbook of forensic medicine and toxicology , Anil Aggrawal




How to Cite

Mishra, J., & Verma, M. (2020). Ethical Challenges And Modifications In Research Methodology Related To Pediatrics. International Research Journal of Ayurveda & Yoga, 3(7), 183-191.