A Comparative Clinical study of Lakshadi Lepa and Panchanimba Ghana vati in Mukhdooshika w.s.r to Acne Vulgaris


  • Divya Tiwari 1Medical Officer Directorate of Ayush, Government of Rajasthan, Rajasthan, India. Author
  • Anita Sharma Professor and HOD, Department of Agadtantra, National Institute of Ayurveda (De nova), Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. Author
  • Sandeep Charak 3Medical Officer Directorate of Ayush, Government of Jammu and Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir, India. Author




kumkumadi taila nasyam, Mukhdushika


 In Ayurveda, mukhadushika is mentioned under the heading of Kshudra rogas, characterized by Shalmali thorn-like eruption on the face due to vitiation of kapha, vata, and rakta in adolescence, called as mukhdushika/yuvan pidika. In this study, 2 trial drugs were taken for Mukhdooshika which has been mentioned in SamhitaasAims and Objective: This study is to assess the efficacy of Lakshadi Lepa and Panchanimbadi Ghana Vati along  with the comparison with Acnovin ointment and capAcnovin. Materials and Methods: This study was an open randomized control clinical trial. Total 30 patients were selected  and divided into 2 groups randomly 15 patients in each group, to compare the clinical efficacy of study drug Group A  with study drug Group B along with kumkumadi taila nasyam for 1 month in the management of Mukhdooshika (Acne). The results of therapy have been evaluated by statistical methods in 2 steps. 1st step is evaluating within the  group before and after treatment in both groups separately and in 2nd step the evaluations of inter-group/between 2  groups evaluation of both therapies. Results: In both study and control group, 0% of patient showed excellent relief. 6.66% and 13.33% patients showed  marked relief in study and control groups, respectively. 60% and 40% patients showed moderate relief in study and  control groups, respectively. 33.33% and 46.66% patients showed mild relief in study group and control group,  respectively, and the percentage of no relief patient was zero in both groups. 


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How to Cite

Tiwari, D., Sharma, A., & Charak, S. (2024). A Comparative Clinical study of Lakshadi Lepa and Panchanimba Ghana vati in Mukhdooshika w.s.r to Acne Vulgaris . International Research Journal of Ayurveda & Yoga, 7(4), 1-4. https://doi.org/10.48165/IRJAY.2024.70401