Use of Agada Preparation in the Current Scenario- A Review Article


  • Sukriti Sharma P.G. Scholar, P.G Department of Agada Tantra, R.G.G.P.G Ayurvedic College & Hospital Paprola, H.P Author
  • Jaram Singh Prof.& H.O.D. P.G Department of Agada Tantra, R.G.G.P.G Ayurvedic College & Hospital Paprola, H.P Author
  • Kulwinder Kaur Lecturer (A.M.O), R.G.G.P.G Ayurvedic College & Hospital Paprola, H.P Author
  • Sanjeev Kumar Lecturer,PG deptt. of Ras Shastra RGGPG Ayurvedic College and Hospital Paprola (H.P) . Author



Agada Yoga, Visha, Antitoxic, Poisons, Ayurveda, Agada Tantra, Gara Visha, Dushi Visha, Viruddhahara


Background: In current scenario, maximum diseases are caused due to idiosyncratic  etiology. Agada Tantra is one of the eight branches of Ayurveda which focusses on Viruddhaahara (Incompatible food), Gara Visha (Concocted poison) and Dushivisha  (Denatured/Latent Poison), conditions and their treatments. There are different types of  Agada yogas that are mentioned in the Vishachikitsa granthas which possess antitoxic  properties, antioxidant activities can be very useful in such disease condition. In today’s era  we need complete Nirvishikarana (Detoxification) because many of the diseases are caused  due to cumulative, concocted, and incompatible dietary habits. So, Agada yogas need to be  evaluated and given in these conditions.  

Aim: To evaluate the effect of Agada Yogas for their capabilities to be adopted in the  diversified field of toxicology and in current scenario.  

Materials & Methods: Reviewed from various text books, databases, websites, and relevant  journals.  

Results & Conclusion: Different types of Agada Yogas mentioned in Vishchikitsa Granthas, some of them are Bilwadi Agada, Mahagada, Dushivishari Agada, Dashanga Agada and  Sanjivana Agada. From various types of studies, books, and relevant journals we got to know  that these Agada Yogas possess antitoxic properties and was very effective in elimination of  poisons from the body. In current scenario, there are many diseases that are happen due to  different types of preservatives, artificial poisons we are using in our current day to day lives.  These Agada Yogas are the mixture of antitoxic medications act as an immunomodulator,  antioxidants and some of them possess hepatoprotective action also. The Ushna(hot  potency), Teekshna(sharp) and vyavayi (rapid spreading) qualities of Agada Yogas aid in the  eradication of various poisons from the body. These Yogas are more effective due to its  Vishaghna ingredients and Prabhav. 


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How to Cite

Sharma, S., Singh, J., Kaur, K., & Kumar, S. (2022). Use of Agada Preparation in the Current Scenario- A Review Article . International Research Journal of Ayurveda & Yoga, 5(10), 138-143.