A Review On Ethnomedicinal Claims Of Acanthospermum Hispidum DC


  • Mital A Patel PG Scholar, Department of Dravyaguna, ITRA, Jamnagar, India. Author
  • Bhupesh Patel Associate Prof. Department of Dravyaguna, ITRA, Jamnagar, India. Author
  • Preeti Pandya Mpharm AYU (PhD), Department of Dravyaguna, ITRA, Jamnagar, India. Author




Acanthospermum hispidum DC, Ethnomedicine, Traditional medicine, Indian Tribes


Introduction: Plants are of immense value to human health and roughly 80% of  world’s population relies on them for cure of various diseased conditions. The aim of  present review was to provide the all available ethnomedicinal information and  research updates pertaining to Acanthospermum hispidum DC. Materials and Methods: Information regarding ethnomedicinal claim were reviewed  by using the available books with especial reference to medicinal plants compiled from  books on ethnobotany and research articles available on internet till date. The obtained  Information were categorized as per vernacular names, locality, used parts, therapeutic  claims, type and mode of administration along with ingredients and dosage forms of  the preparations.  Results: Acanthospermum hispidum DC. is annual herb in the family Asteraceae,  which is native to central and south America, reported in 60 countries and moist habitat  throughout India. This plant used as traditional medicine for various disease condition.  All parts of plants are used for medicinal purpose through both the routes i.e external  and internal. Conclusion: Acanthospermum hispidum DC. conducting provable scientific studies  (pharmacological and clinical) were needed to establish its multiple ethnomedicinal  claims.


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How to Cite

Patel , M. A., Patel, B., & Pandya, P. (2022). A Review On Ethnomedicinal Claims Of Acanthospermum Hispidum DC . International Research Journal of Ayurveda & Yoga, 5(6), 112-118. https://doi.org/10.48165/