Devdarubaladi Tail Matra Basti in Janu Sandhigata Vata: A Case Study


  • Sanju Singh MD Scholar Dept Of Panchkarma, Ymt Ayurveda Medical College , Navi Mumbai, Author
  • V J Tiwari Professor, Dept Of Panchkarma, YMT Ayurveda Medical College , Navi Mumbai. Author



Sandhigatavata, Matra basti, Devdarubaladi taila


Sandhigatavata is the most common form of articular disorder which may begin  asymptomatically in 2nd and 3rd decade of life and is extremely common by age of  60. Among all persons by age of 40 have some pathological changes in weight  bearing joint which limits their day todays activity. In Sandhigatavata the diseases  occur in sandhi i.e. joints and janusandhi i.e. knee is the mostly affected joint in  Sandhigatavata. Vata dosha plays the major role in this disease. In this case study  effect of Devdarubaladi taila matra basti for 21 days is assessed. The study reports  significant relief in subjective parameters like Sandhishoola(joint pain),  Sandhishotha(swelling), Sandhigraha(stiffness), Akunchana prasaranjanya  vedana(pain during extension and flexion of joint), Sandhisphutana(crepitus).


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Matra basti will be administered slowly through the rectum in left lateral position.


Taadan karma and uttan position.

Bastidharan kala of subjects will noted.


(Table 1) After treatment with Devdarubaladi taila matra basti patient had good relief in symptoms of Janu

Sandhigata vata.


Sandhigatavata is the commonest disorder which mainly occurs due to Dhatukashya and other Vata Prakopaka Nidana. Even though Sandhigatavata is not a fatal disease but it cripples the movement of patient and makes him or her dependent on others.

Majority of drugs used in Devdarubaladi taila for Matra basti has Vatashamaka action. Due to Snigdha Guna it is also helpful in chronic stage of the diseases and balancing the Vata. Basti helps in Vata Anulomana thus helps in correcting Apana.

In this case study patient came up with severe pain in both the knees which was relieved and the swelling over the knees got completely relieved along with stiffness. The pain which was present with extension and flexion movement of knees also got significantly reduced. Audible crepitus was also reduced. Devdarubaladi taila has significant effect on Janu Sandhigatavata.


On the basis of single case study it can be concluded that Panchkarma treatment like Matra basti is effective in treatment of Janu Sandhigatavata.

Acknowledgements- Nil

Conflict of Interest – None

Source of Finance & Support - Nil


Sanju Singh ,



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How to Cite

Singh, S., & Tiwari, V. J. (2022). Devdarubaladi Tail Matra Basti in Janu Sandhigata Vata: A Case Study. International Research Journal of Ayurveda & Yoga, 5(6), 44-47.