Lepas Mentioned Under Ritucharya – A Short Review


  • Anumol K Research Officer (Ay) Scientist -1 RARI, Vijayawada Author
  • K Midhuna Mohan Research Officer (Ay) Scientist -1 RARI, Vijayawada Author
  • Sujata P Dhoke Research Officer (Ay) Scientist -1 RARI, Vijayawada Author
  • K Nishanth Research Officer (Ay) Scientist -1 RARI, Vijayawada Author
  • AJV Sai Prasad Research Officer(Ay) Scientist -2 RARI, Vijayawada Author
  • C Murali Krishna Research Officer(Ay) In-Charge Scientist -3 RARI, Vijayawada Author




Lepas, Ritucharya, Seasonal regimens, Mukhalepa


Ayurveda is the science that provides knowledge about life and longevity. It  is one of the traditional medical systems which are very close to nature.  Ayurveda has two objectives:-alleviation of disorders in the diseased and  maintenance of health. Prevention of diseases is one of the main principles  of Ayurveda. Various healthy regimens, which people had practised once,  are not in current practice and they are deflecting from nature leading to  many lifestyle disorders. Skin, being largest organ, is exposed to various  environmental factors like heat, sunlight, humidity etc plays a pivot role in  protection and maintenance of health. According to Ayurveda, skin is  Sparshanendriya Adhisthana (responsible for tactile sensation) and has the  dominancy of Vata dosha .The prevalence of skin disease in general  population in India varies from 10 to 12%.Skin disease the fourth leading  cause of non-fatal disease burden worldwide. Ritucharya describes the  guidelines about the dietary and behavioural regimen which should be  adopted in different seasons. Lepas are those formulations meant for topical  application. Based on their site of application, mode of application etc Lepas  are classified in many ways. This review elaborately describes Lepas  mentioned in Ayurvedic classical texts with special reference to seasons. 


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How to Cite

K, A., Mohan, K. M., Dhoke, S. P., Nishanth, K., Prasad, A. S., & Krishna, C. M. (2021). Lepas Mentioned Under Ritucharya – A Short Review . International Research Journal of Ayurveda & Yoga, 4(11), 100-108. https://doi.org/10.48165/