Ayurveda and Modern Perspective on Rajonivritti w.s.r. to Menopause: Review Based on Literary Study


  • Monika Kumari P.G Scholar , Prasuti & Stri Roga Vibhag M.M.M. Govt. Ayurved College, Udaipur Author
  • Mahesh Dixit Principal, M.M.M. Govt. Ayurved College, Udaipur Author
  • Narendra Kumar Meena Associate Professor Prasuti & Stri Roga Vibhag M.M.M. Govt. Ayurved College, Udaipur Author




Menopause, Rajonivritti, HRT, asayana therapy


Menopause, a phenomenon unique to women, is the ending of a woman’s monthly  menstrual period and ovulation. It, alongside, several other changes in the body and  mind, brought in due to a decline in the amount of the hormones estrogen and  progesterone being produced by the body. Menopause is, occasionally, viewed as an  end to youth and sexuality, making it a socially unacceptable occurrence.  Menopause, though, one of the important physical and mental milestones in a  woman’s life, many women lack information about what is taking place and what are  their options. There comes the role of Ayurveda , in Ayurveda literature there is no  detailed description of Rajonivritti or menopause except the age of Rajonivritti is  given as 50 years. Ayurveda involves a holistic physiological system based on  balance, with its cardinal doctrine of human physiology being constituted by “vata”,  “pitta” and “kapha”. In modern medicine the only treatment for these symptoms is  Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), which is not a long-term therapy to be given  as it has side effects on the overall health of the women. In Ayurveda Dhatu kshaya  can be treated with Rasayana therapy and other symptoms of hypo-estrogenic  conditions can be treated with Phytoestrogens. So, Ayurveda gives a non-hormonal  and cost-effective treatment for Rajonivritti or Menopause. 


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How to Cite

Kumari, M., Dixit, M., & Meena, N. K. (2021). Ayurveda and Modern Perspective on Rajonivritti w.s.r. to Menopause: Review Based on Literary Study . International Research Journal of Ayurveda & Yoga, 4(11), 109-113. https://doi.org/10.48165/