Conservative Management of Prasramsini Yonivyapad - A Case Report


  • Pragati Walia PG Scholar , Department Of Stree Roga And Prasuti Tantra , All India Institute of Ayurveda , Gautampuri, Sarita Vihar, Mathura Road, New Delhi- 110076. Author
  • Kamini Dhiman Associate Professor, Department Of Stree Roga And Prasuti Tantra , All India Institute of Ayurveda , Gautampuri, Sarita Vihar, Mathura Road, New Delhi- 110076. Author



Prasramsini Yonivyapad, Uterine Prolapse, Kegel’s Exercise


Uterine prolapse is a significant health concern affecting 2-20% of the women of reproductive age  group. Laxity of vaginal canal & uterine descent is one of the conditions commonly seen as a  complication of prolonged labor or patients having history of vaginal deliveries at home.  Prasramsini yonivyapad mentioned by Acharya Sushruta, correlates with first degree Uterine  Prolapse. This condition affects women mentally, socially and physically impairing their quality of  life. A case was taken for study with symptoms of feeling of something coming out per vagina,  increased frequency of micturition, stress incontinence. As Prasramsini is a Pittaja yonivyapad and Vata is the main dosha involved in all yonivyapad, the drugs selected for the study were mainly  having the properties of vata and pitta doshahara, balya and agnivardhaka. Hence an attempt was  made to treat Prasramsini yonivyapad and there was a marked improvement in symptoms. The basic  treatment principles of both Ayurveda and contemporary science remains same but contemporary  science has given more stress upon surgical management When the degree of prolapse is mild then  the conservative line of treatment seems to be more beneficial. 


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How to Cite

Walia, P., & Dhiman, K. (2021). Conservative Management of Prasramsini Yonivyapad - A Case Report. International Research Journal of Ayurveda & Yoga, 4(5), 110-117.