An Ayurvedic Preventive And Curative Approach To Periodontitis / Pyorrhea


  • Priyanka Narang PG Scholar, Government Ayurveda College, Tripunithura Author
  • Sara Moncy Oommen Professor M.D. (Dravyaguna vijnana), Government Ayurveda College, Trivandrum Author



Periodontitis, Pyorrhea, periodontium, Dinacharya


Oral diseases are one of the major health problem world-wide. Most of the oral diseases are due to  bacterial infestation. In Periodontitis or pyorrhea, the tissues surrounding and supporting the teeth i.e  periodontium is affected which causes bleeding red swollen gums, bad breath with bad taste and  painful mobile teeth. The global need for alternative prevention and treatment options for oral diseases  that are safe, effective and economical comes from the rise in disease incidence (particularly in  developing countries), increased resistance by pathogenic bactAyurvedic treatment is aimed at patient as an organic whole and treatment consists of salubrious use  of drugs, diets and certain practices. Many ayurvedic medicinal plants and formulations confer  considerable anti-microbial activity against various microorganisms including bacteria's responsible  for pyorrhea, dental caries etc. This review article is mainly focused on the different Ayurvedic drugs,  formulations and daily regimen effective in Periodontitis or pyorrhea. eria to currently used antibiotics and  chemotherapeutics, opportunistic infections in immune-compromised individuals and financial  considerations in developing countries.  


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How to Cite

Narang, P., & Oommen, S. M. (2021). An Ayurvedic Preventive And Curative Approach To Periodontitis / Pyorrhea. International Research Journal of Ayurveda & Yoga, 4(4), 122-131.