A Clinical Study On Role Of Gramya Ahara (Dietetics & Life Style) In Aetiopathogenesis Of Prameha (Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus) And Evaluation Of Hypoglycaemic Effect Of Bhudhatryadi Yoga


  • Anil Bhadoria Associate Professor Govt. Ayurvedic Medical College Jammu Author
  • Sakshi Gupta Medical Officer Department of AYUSH Jammu and Kashmir Author




Diabetes Mellitus, Bhudhatryadi yoga, Gramya Ahara


Diabetes Mellitus is largely covered under the broad heading of Prameha. However,  Apathyanimittaja Prameha (Sushruta), Sthula Pramehi (Charaka) and Avaranjanya Madhumeha described in  Ayurvedic literature have similarity with Type-2 Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM). Type 2  diabetes prevalence is rising at alarming rates worldwide because of increased urbanization, high prevalence of  obesity, sedentary lifestyles and stress, among other factors. Up to 80% of type 2 Diabetes is preventable by  adopting a healthy diet and increasing physical activity. The summary published by “World Diabetes Congress” on  14th Nov.; 2009 “World Diabetes Day” represents that Diabetes affects 246 million people worldwide and is  expected to affect some 380 million by 2025. In an effort to find out effective remedy BHUDHATRYADI YOGA was  selected for this study. This drug is indicated for the treatment of Prameha in ayurvedic classics. Study was carried  out in single group consisting of 30 patients. Results of the treatment were assessed over the period of 45 days.  Patients were provided a proper diet chart planned according to the classics, keeping Glycaemic Index of the dietary  substances & Calorie requirement of the patients. 6.66% patients obtained control over diseased condition 16.66%  patients provided Marked Improvement, Moderate Improvement was observed in 40% of cases, 36.66% cases  showed Mild Improvement in Signs and Symptoms. 


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Kashinath Shastri and Gorakha Nath, Charaka: Charaka Samhita with English translation of Chakrapani commentary by Bhagwan Das, Chaukhambha Sanskrit series, Varanasi. 7. Sushruta: Sushrut Samhita: - With Nibandhasamgraha Commentary of shri Dalhanacharya, Nyaya Chandrika Panjika of Shri Gayadas acharya On Nidanasthana, Krishnadas Academy, Varansi Ed. 1998.

https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/42609/9241590416.pdf?sequence=1 9. Kaviraj Atridev Gupta Astanga Samgraha : With Hindi Commentary Vol. 1 & 2, Krishnadas Acadamy, Varansi, 2002.




How to Cite

Bhadoria, A., & Gupta, S. (2021). A Clinical Study On Role Of Gramya Ahara (Dietetics & Life Style) In Aetiopathogenesis Of Prameha (Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus) And Evaluation Of Hypoglycaemic Effect Of Bhudhatryadi Yoga. International Research Journal of Ayurveda & Yoga, 3(12), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.48165/