A Comprehensive Study Of Miracle Tree, Shigru- A Review


  • Neha chalmela PG Scholar,PG Dept of Dravyaguna,Govt.Autonomous .Dhanwantri Ayurvada college Ujjain M.P. Author
  • D Shiromani mishra Guide& Associate Professor, PG Deptt of Dravyaguna Govt. Autonomous. Dhanwantari Ayurveda College Ujjain M.P. Author




Shigru, Moringa oleifera Lam, Samhita


Shigru (Moringa oleifera Lam.) is very common and well known herbal medicine. Generally Leaves,pods  and flower of shigru are widely used in Indian kitchen as a vegetable due to it high nutritional  values.properties of shigru extensively mentioned in various nighantus and samhitas owning to its broad  therapeutic properties.the part of the subject which contain it is called samhita.studying the samhita makes  sense of the subject. Shigru is widely described in both kaya chitiksa pradhan samhita and shalya chikitsa  pradhan samhita. By the help of this review we can observe various uses and description of shigru in  Several samhitas and nighantus which will be helpful for so many purpose. 


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How to Cite

chalmela, N., & mishra, D. S. (2020). A Comprehensive Study Of Miracle Tree, Shigru- A Review. International Research Journal of Ayurveda & Yoga, 3(8), 77-91. https://doi.org/10.48165/