A Conceptual Study on Shukragata Vata (Premature Ejaculation) – A Review


  • Anant Bhardwaj Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Dayanand Ayurvedic College, Jalandhar, Punjab, India. Author
  • Pankaj Sharma Assistant Professor, Department of Kayachikitsa, Government Ayurvedic College, Patiala, Punjab, India. Author




Ayurveda, Dosha, Garbotpadana, Manah, Shukra and Vaata


Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common male sexual disorder that is frequently overlooked and resulting untreated. PE  is defined as ejaculation before the completion of satisfactory sexual activity for both partners. In Ayurveda, various  Acharyas (scholars) have contributed their insights and perspectives to understand diseases and their treatment. This  clinical condition is described under Shukragatavata in Ayurveda which is a distinct pathological entity characterized  by a group of clinical presentations related with ejaculation impairment and seminal abnormalities among which  Sheeghram Munchati (PE) is one. The pathology of the same occurs at three levels of spheres – Sukra, Vata, and  Manah. As Shukra is the seventh and final Dhatu, as a Saara (Essence) of all Dhatu, formed by a progressive  evolutionary metamorphosis. It is responsible for all systemic bodily processes, including metabolic functions, and a  portion of it exits the body during sexual acts which promotes Garbhotpadana (Reproduction). Like Shukra DhatuVata is described as the source of life and the supporter of all living processes, ensuring a long and disorder-free life.  Vata also restrains and impels all mental activities, and is responsible for the functional state of mind. All Indriyas (including Upastha) are under the control of Manah and Manah itself is under the control of Vata. All these concepts,  that is, Shukra, Vata, and Manah attained superior considerations in Ayurvedic classics. Various ways were also  described in ancient Indian erotic literature to trigger orgasm in a female partner, as well as the usage of Shukra  Stambhaka medications to enhance control over ejaculation. The intention of this article is to provide a description  of Shukragata Vata (PE) in ancient Indian erotic literature and Ayurveda. 


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How to Cite

Bhardwaj, A., & Sharma, P. (2025). A Conceptual Study on Shukragata Vata (Premature Ejaculation) – A Review . International Research Journal of Ayurveda & Yoga, 8(1), 38-43. https://doi.org/10.48165/IRJAY.2025.80107